This colorful piece from beloved artist Jim Shore captures the whimsy of Disney's beloved fairy, Tinkerbell on a carefree spring day. Perched on a tree swing amidst colorful flowers, Tinkerbell smiles brightly in the beauty of nature.
Introduced June 2024
Jim Shore Disney Traditions Collection - Peter Pan "Suspended in Springtime Magic"
Beautifully hand-painted and crafted with intricate styling and attention to detail
Jim Shore's style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs inspired by American and European folk art
Proudly designed by award winning artist, Jim Shore
Packaged in individual box with photo on front
8.63 in H x 3.63 in W x 7.63 in L
We have more of this popular item arriving soon. Place your order today and we will ship within 2-3 days of arrival in our warehouse which we anticipate to be 12/17/2024.