Harry Potter's favorite place to spend his holidays away from Hogwarts is with the l Weasley family at their country home, nicknamed the Burrow. It may be ramshackle, cramped and even a little crooked on its axis, but there's not a homier home to be.
Coordinates With Fred & George Weasley (Item# 6003332)
Meticulously hand crafted and intricately hand painted resin, Introduced January 2019.
Measures 9 x 5.75 x 5"
Electrical: Standard cord and bulb. Replacement Bulb: 56.99244
9.06 in H x 5.71 in W x 4.8 in L
We have more of this popular item arriving soon. Place your order today and we will ship within 2-3 days of arrival in our warehouse which we anticipate to be 09/17/2025.